FAQ: Women's libido-booster supplements

What's a "women's libido-booster" and why would I want one?

In recent years, most of the focus has been on men's sexual performance and pleasure. Now, there are products to help the woman achieve a stronger sex drive, a healthy excitement and interest in sex, a more complete natural arousal, and better responses throughout the sexual arousal cycle including a more powerful climax.

If you or your partner has experienced diminished sex drive and lower levels of sexual response due to fatigue, hormonal changes, stress, aging, or inadequate diet -- or if there's simply a disparity between the woman's and the man's sex drive in your relationship -- women's libido-booster supplements can help.

How do natural supplements for the woman's libido work?

These supplements are typically blended herbal formulas with a number of natural ingredients that each address some aspect of the female sexual response cycle. For instance, some ingredients act on the circulatory system to increase blood flow to the genitals, while others directly enhance production and balance of hormones associated with sexual health. Other ingredients may be specifically chosen for their beneficial effects on the female reproductive system and ability to create overall relaxation or a sense of well being. Taken daily, these supplements are meant to increase sexual response time, boost libido, intensify sexual sensations and orgasm, and balance the hormonal system for proper reproductive functioning.

Can I expect instant results from these products?

If you choose a good-quality, top-notch product, you will notice some results right away, mostly in the form of immediately increased sensations. Most women find that responses improve progressively with daily use over a period of time. Of course, inferior products may have little or no effect, so choose your supplement with care from a respected company that's been in existence for a while -- one excellent choice is Provestra™ from Albion Medical, a company that has been devoted to sexual health for men and women for many years.

I have never had a strong sex drive and seem not to have much sensitivity in the genital area. Can a women's libido-booster product help?

It's difficult to say exactly what may be behind your lack of interest in sex and lack of sexual response. You may wish to consult your practitioner if you want to understand the underlying causes. For most women who describe themselves as you do, however, natural supplements are very helpful. Women can experience the benefits of a healthy sex drive and proper sexual functioning with the correct, quality formula.

Are there any side effects?

If you choose a pure, natural product manufactured in a cGMP pharmaceutical facility (such as Provestra™ by Albion Medical), you can be assured of receiving a completely safe, herbal supplement that will not interfere with other medications or disrupt birth control. There are no side effects. However, because the herbal ingredients have effects on the entire sexual system, some women notice a slight increase in breast size. Also, you are advised to beware of products whose origin or ingredients are uncertain.

I know the cost of men's products like Viagra and Cialis and really high. Are these women's products prohibitively expensive, too?

The truth is, some are ridiculously costly and some are suspiciously cheap. The rule of thumb here is that you get what you pay for -- and for a good quality, clinically backed women's supplement, you can expect to pay about $50 for a month's supply, with reputable companies offering a discount for larger orders. So no, it's not prohibitively expensive when you consider that a good supplement contains top-quality ingredients which are more costly (and are more effective!) than cheaper substitutions. When you find out how fantastic this is for your sex life, you will likely feel that the cost is worth every penny.

Is it safe to take a product like this if I'm trying to get pregnant?

Again, you should choose an excellent quality supplement in any case, but especially if you are contemplating pregnancy. Look for assertions of safety from the manufacturer, and when in doubt, consult your doctor or midwife. In the case of Provestra™, it's been known to increase fertility. Once you confirm your pregnancy, you should always check with your practitioner regarding any supplements or medications you are taking -- even vitamins.

Should I tell my partner I am using a product like this?

We're all in favor of open communication -- and for some couples the fun of experimenting with a new sexual enhancer is a definite turn-on! For some women, though, having a little secret is an aphrodisiac all its own, not to mention a good gauge of how well your secret potion is working: if you and he are very happy with the more sexual you, there's your answer! Later if you want to cop to your secret, it may open him up to the whole category of natural supplements for men.[[ could link to vigrx ]]

Boosting Female Libido

Posted by samson | 9:41 AM | 0 comments »

Commonly, problems related to sex bug men due to the general perspective that they seem to be ones in control of the entirety of a sexual activity. This notion is clearly exploited by many companies that are into producing different libido or penis enhancers for the male community. But as far as women are concerned, low libido and sexual stamina are not only experienced by men. Rapid loss of sexual interest or energy, without even reaching orgasm, is something that women, especially those who are 40 to 60 years old, also often complain about; consequently, problems in relationships arise.

To prevent serious relationship problems between couples, various products that aim to help women improve their sexual urge and energy are being introduced into the market by some companies. Though they are only a handful, libido boosting products for women are already available these days. Provestra is a common example of this kind that women choose to suit their bodies and at the same time, relieve themselves of issues related to sex.

Basically, libido boosting products have two main purposes for women: to improve their sex lives and to help maintain good relationships with their partners. Libido boosting products like Provestra enhance women's appetite for sex and help eliminate their common sex problems. Usually, women encounter emotional, social, and physical difficulties that greatly affect their sex lives. Among the emotional and social problems of women are their overwhelming responsibilities to their families. Wives have duties to take care of the family's welfare by doing the house chores and looking after the children while the husbands are working. In addition to this duty, some women also struggle from the demands of their careers. So instead of enjoying every night with their partners, women spend the evenings sleeping and resting and consequently, have less energy for sex.

Libido boosting products also aim to help cheer up women who suffer from infertility issues, which affect their relationship with their partners. After all, the doubts and pressure of getting pregnant can undermine the couple's desire for conception and thus, create great tension between couples. Infertility problems can also be influenced by instances of low sexual appetite, which in turn, is due to women's past traumatic experiences that usually make their bodies' sexual impulses to automatically shut down.

Other than emotional and social challenges, physical struggles also result in low libido. Inevitably, women with many illnesses have less sexual desires than healthy women because their bodies' natural responses are weak. These weak natural responses are often seen to lead to vaginal dryness, which is another problem of women. Vaginal dryness, which usually cuts short the interest of sex among women, is also caused by lack of hormonal changes and unusually low testosterone; if the body hormones and testosterones are enough or are normal, women are able to lubricate on their own during sex. Weak natural responses may also mean weak orgasms or no orgasm achieved at all. In spite of the fact that women achieve more orgasms than men, these sexual essentials are lost quickly be women rather than men.

Due to these sex problems, natural herbs were discovered by researchers as necessary to improve women's sex lives and reproductive systems. As mentioned earlier, libido boosting products, like Provestra, are manufactured by companies to help women increase their libido and revive their interest and energy in sex. Provestra, for instance, contains all the necessary natural ingredients that enhance women's sexual appetites; these ingredients include Raspberry leaf extract, Licorice root, Damiana leaf, Valerian root, Ginger root, and black Cohosh root. The Rasberry leaf extract is a female tonic and a pregnancy herb that enhances the capability of fertility. The Licorice root strengthens women's adrenal glands as well as hormonal functions, while the Damina leaf is a well-known aphrodisiac even among ancient generations. The Valerian root, Ginger root, and Black cohosh root are also contents of libido boosting products and function as tension and stress relievers, sexual stimulants, and hormonal balancers. With these components, women who take libido enhancers are said to have undergone several significant changes in their systems including less menstrual cramps, more peaceful sleep, firmer vaginal contraction, and larger breasts.

Aside from bringing about positive changes in the body, libido boosting products are also perceived to be safe enough for consumption. Provestra and other libido enhancing products are reported to be 100% harmless; that is why women don't have to worry about side effects and other harmful results when taking such supplements; in fact, these kinds of products do not require the prescription of a medical professional. Though there is no absolute guarantee that women will automatically be able to conceive after taking libido enhancement products, at least these sexual urge boosters help in improving women's sexual performance and stamina, which are necessary in lovemaking.

Indeed, sexual issues cannot be avoided at times for both men and women. But in the case of the female population, the occurrences of such concerns can be diminished with the aid of libido enhancement products. Based on what is stated in Provestra.com, the ladies need to take back their sexuality and explore its full potential. Only through this way can women be more empowered in their lives, be more attuned to their needs and that of others, and be energized enough to overcome the troubles that they face with regard to their own pleasure and performance in bed and in the relationship.

Getting Interested in Sex

Posted by samson | 9:40 AM | 1 comments »

Loss of sexual interest among women is a serious problem that often causes stress among couples. According to Dr. Holzapfel of Sunnybrook and Women's College Hospital in Toronto, about 30% of women in every age range are experiencing loss of sexual interest. The reasons behind this loss vary from woman to woman, so men can only speculate as to why their partners have no sexual appetite; but men who are eager to bring back the sexual enthusiasm of their partners seek professional help to solve this problem.

Based on sexual medicine counseling, biological and sociological factors play major roles in women's libido. Among biological factors, the most common are medical condition, hormonal changes, physical changes, and pregnancy. If one is suffering from any medical condition such as depression and taking anti-depressants or other medications, he or she has the possibility of losing or diminishing sexual cravings because some medications are known to pull down the body's libido level. Pregnant women often lose sexual urges because of Hyperprolactinaemia, an abnormal level of prolactin in women that often result in low libido. Women's low testosterone level and estrogen level also drag their sexual appetite down.

As mentioned, sociological factors also influence the decrease of sexual interest of women. Among the most important of these factors is women's relationship with their partners. For most women, an unhealthy relationship hinders them to enjoy sexual intercourse. Usually, couples do not practice open communication regarding their problems, which is why most women prefer to keep their emotions to themselves; this discretion, in turn, leads to depression and loss of sexual interest.

Given that these are common reasons for loss of interest, it's easier to get back to enjoying sex. The very first step to regain sexual interest is to regain assertiveness and confidence in oneself. Women are often found guilty of thinking about the welfare of their children or husbands that they tend to forget about their own personal needs including their sexual desires. This kind of distraction ensues even in the middle of intercourse and consequently, women easily have less appetite for sex, achieve weak orgasm, or worse, shut themselves out from sex.

In such case, doctors advise women to give more time for themselves and think of their sexual needs. Giving more time for themselves also means that women who have kids must hire babysitters from time to time to enjoy their lives. This enjoyment does not necessarily mean dating men, but it can be going out to see a movie, shopping, or leisure bathing--- simple pleasures that women can enjoy alone. With these 'private' pleasures, it is strongly believed that women will eventually recognize their needs for intimacy.

Once women have made time for themselves and taken back their self-assurance, non-sexual reconnection comes in. Non-sexual reconnection means getting close to a husband or partner without necessarily engaging in sex. According to David Schnarch, Evergreen Marriage and Family Health Center's director, a simple 5 to 10-minute hug can rekindle women's desire to engage in sex. If women are already connected with their partners, they can talk to them about what they like their partners to do to have better sex. For example, they might want to go to other places like hotels to have a change of environment or want to do new sexual positions that they think will give them faster and longer orgasms. Women can also read pornographic materials or watch pornographic videos with their partners to boost sexual urges.

If the whole experience is hindered by concerns like vaginal dryness, women can trust lubricants and libido boosting products to solve their problem and at the same time, still maintain their newfound or regained sexual confidence. These libido boosters, such as Provestra, contain natural ingredients including red Raspberry leaf extract, Damiana leaf, Licorice root, Valerian root, black Cohosh root, and Ginger root. The red Raspberry leaf extract is a female tonic that regulates women's uterine contractions while the Damiana leaf is an old aphrodisiac used by ancient generations and trusted by the contemporary medical community. The Licorice root, Valerian root, and black Cohosh root components of libido boosting products, like Provestra, also function as adrenal glands tonifiers, hormonal function enhancers, tension reducers, and stress relievers. The black Cohosh root, in particular, improves the contraction of the vagina and uterine, while the Ginger root serves as a stimulant that boosts the functions of other herbal ingredients.

In most cases, however, women who suffer from loss of sexual interest do away with the formalities of resolving the issue and merely resort to a simple solution---Provestra or other libido boosting products that suit their bodies. Such products are specially developed to help women who have lost their sexual appetite to bring their enthusiasm back. These products naturally restore sexual drive, improve foreplay pleasures, enlarge the clitoris, heighten sexual sensation, speed arousal, prolong orgasm, and enhance women's fertility by strengthening their reproductive systems. Other benefits of libido boosters like Provestra include more sound sleep, less menstrual cramps, and larger breasts.

Indeed, there are many natural methods to get that sexual urge back and address the lack in sexual interest. But always keep in mind that aside from being something that is expressed in physical form, sexual desire is also a psychological aspect. So to simplify life and easily take back the attitude in sex, women can either take libido boosting products or be open to sexual intercourse. Or, they can simply do both to ensure high level of sexual drive and energy.

Too Tired or Not Into It?

Posted by samson | 7:15 AM | 0 comments »

For several years, men have had a solution for treating their sexual problems, such as decline in libido. Unfortunately, a lot of women have long been suffering from the same sexual problem, though quite unknown to many. Even though women are more potential to developing sexual satisfaction and interest, they are, however, the usual candidates for having sexual dysfunction. This has been recorded in several surveys and studies done by medical practitioners. If women's sexual dysfunctions and dissatisfaction continue and gradually engulf her entire sex life, her relationship with her man might eventually turn into an end. Unraveling the reasons behind the downfall of a woman's libido should be considered especially because there are factors that should be treated immediately.

There are certain physical changes and conditions that contribute to the derailing of women's libido such as pregnancy. During pregnancy, hormonal changes take place and affect a lady's physical and emotional make-up, which in the process, lead her to developing a new temporary outlook on sex. Most women think that having sex while conceiving is perilous to the baby. Their growing tummy is also seen as a discomfort. Also, if the ovaries of a woman stop secreting estrogen, a hormone that serves as a lubricant, she may develop vaginal dryness that makes the sexual activity uncomfortable and sometimes painful. This condition is more common to older people especially those who have reached their menopausal period. In turn, this hormonal change leads a woman to anticipate the intercourse with less vigor and interest. Now, when a lady suffers from an illness, she does not have the slightest interest in sex. Even the mildest illnesses such as headache or cold impede her sexual desire. But the more serious ailments such as arthritis, diabetes, and kidney diseases affect her hormonal balance, mobility, and vaginal lubrication.

When a woman's emotional condition is unstable her libido often suffers. Anxiety and stress are good examples of such emotional instability. If a woman is preoccupied with concerns such as career, home responsibilities, and social life, her tendency is to easily get exhausted and have less time and energy for a sexual activity. Having sex, then, occupies the bottom part of her priority list. Depression and low self-esteem, meanwhile, are generally behavioral problems but enormously influence the sex drive of most women. For instance, if a lady sees herself too lousy or even worse, unattractive, she may gradually lose her interest in sex. These conditions are sometimes short-term and often caused by menstruation or mood swings. On the other hand, a lady's traumatic experience, like sexual abuse, may get in the way of her desire to perform sex. If this remains untreated, she may view sex as a horrifying experience and might avoid it altogether. This is sometimes seen as a psychological problem, not a sexual abnormality; but just the same, this condition affects her sexual performance.

Another factor that is probably the most evident is the current condition of the relationship of the couple. A good relationship tremendously increases the libido of a woman. But if both are frustrated with each other especially in each sexual performance, the tendency is to have less and less desire in sex. But it is important to realize that there are problems that do not occur only in bed and these ones are commonly as big as the sexual issues. There are also concerns that are not recognized by both individuals and if these are left unresolved, their sexual lives will suffer in the long run.

If a woman has a decline in libido, her natural reaction is to blame herself and feels guilty because she may think she is not functioning well as a sexual being. But there are common ways to battle this sexual dysfunction such as seeing a doctor or counselor. These experts will do a series of tests to discover the underlying factors like vitamin deficiency, hormonal imbalance, and psychological problem. Consulting sex therapists also proves to be an efficient remedy since they are trained to identify and address sexual problems through providing couples with responsiveness strategies.

But aside from seeking professional help, a woman experiencing low libido should also start looking at herself and changing her lifestyle. Part of sustaining a healthy and renewed way of life is to commit to a regular exercise. Not only will this make the body healthier, but will make the blood flow through her vagina smoother, thus arousing sex drive. Maintaining a good relationship also contributes a lot-- from constantly enjoying the partner's caresses to opening up every bit of sexual frustration.

Due to medical advancement, there are also natural supplements that women can take advantage of. If men have enhancement pills, women, on the other hand, have sexual booster tablets such as Provestra for Women, which intensify libido, strengthen sexual stamina, provide multiple orgasms, and improve fertility. According to Provestra.com, the pure organic ingredients of female boosters are safe and work with much potency enabling every user to enjoy a better sex life.

If addressed promptly and effectively, low libido among women may thwart in number. Here lies the responsibility of every woman to understand the underlying reasons and to figure out the best method to combat her sexual dysfunction. After all, she owes it to herself and to her partner a fulfilled, intimate, and enjoyable sexual intercourse.